Update, September 25, 2023
A formal planning application for Wherwell Solar Farm has been submitted and validated by Test Valley Borough Council (LPA) on 12 September 2023, with the following planning reference: 23/02225/FULLN.
You can provide your formal comments on the application via the LPA’s website, however, if you have any queries or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@wherwellsolarfarm.co.uk.
Update, March 10, 2023
Thank you for attending the public consultation event and for providing your feedback on Wherwell Solar Farm. The public consultation is now closed however if you would like to get in touch regarding the project please contact us on info@wherwellsolarfarm.co.uk.
Wherwell Solar Ltd will shortly be bringing forward a proposal for Wherwell Solar Farm located on parcels of land to the west of Winchester Road, Wherwell, SP11 7HW.
The site lies to the north of the settlement of Wherwell and consists of small to medium-sized agricultural fields. The proposed development will export 32 Megawatts (MWs) of clean and renewable energy to the local distribution network, which equates to powering over 13,500 homes a year. This will make a vital contribution to climate change targets and the country’s transition away from fossil fuels.
The solar farm will be connected to the 132kV overhead line, which passes near to the site with an underground cable connecting to the customer substation.
The site currently farmed for Wheat and Oilseed Rape. No agricultural land will be lost and the solar farm will be designed to allow sheep to graze under and around the panels during operation, providing a dual benefit of agriculture and energy generation.
Wherwell Solar Ltd take sustainability very seriously. The size of the site presents significant opportunities for biodiversity improvements, including creating new habitat for birds, butterflies and insects, and creating wildlife corridors for deer and other animals to pass through the site. It should not be necessary to remove any trees. These measures will significantly improve the biodiversity of the site compared with the existing fields.
Test Valley Borough Council declared a climate emergency in September 2019 and supports the transition away from fossil fuels in its Local Plan.
Wherwell Solar Farm will be key to addressing these challenges and will serve the area’s future energy needs. It will have four main objectives:
- Support the UK’s goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and the interim target of a 78% reduction by 2035.
- Contribute to the climate emergency declared by the Government and Test Valley Council.
- Help secure the country’s green energy system by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy, which also contributes to reducing fuel poverty.
- Enable the continuation of agriculture during operation.
- Significantly increase the biodiversity of the site.
Engaging with communities is very important to us. We would like to hear your views on the proposal and how we can improve it.